2014-08-30 15:17:00

European religious leaders condemn ‘heinous acts’ of IS

(Vatican Radio) The European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) has issued a statement, condemning the heinous acts of Islamic State in the Middle East and saying it “supports initiatives taken by Muslim and non-Muslim organisations and individuals to promote human dignity and condemn the cruel acts of the so-called Islamic State”.

The statement, published Thursday, said the council was pleased to see a demonstration, initiated by young Muslim women in Oslo this past week. The demonstration gathered thousands of people, including the leaders of all political parties. Appeals were also made by the prime minister, a Muslim organizer of the event, the bishop of Oslo and other representatives of political parties and the Muslim community.

The UK chapter of Religions for Peace also issued a statement, saying it supports the various declarations from Muslim organizations in the UK, condemning the heinous acts of Islamic State.

“We deplore their actions against individuals and groups, their cowardly murders of unarmed men, women and children,” the statement reads. “We denounce their concept of no freedom, no liberty no justice for anyone other than themselves. Their actions against humanity cannot be justified by any scripture or have the blessing of the One who has many names.”

Religions for Peace also cited the ECRL’s Vienna Declaration of May 2013, in which the council members pledged to “stand together against threats to the full enjoyment of religious freedom.”

In the declaration, the religious leaders articulated their “obligation to speak out against threats to the religious freedom of others when they come from within our own communities”.


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