2014-10-16 11:07:00

Abp. Pinder on Synod: The structure of the family is key

(Vatican Radio) “The structure of the family is key” among concerns for Catholics in the Antilles region according to Archbishop Patrick Pinder of the Bahamas, who is representing the region and the ongoing Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family.

Listen to his interview with Philippa Hitchen: 

Abp. Pinder says: “The whole question of the number of families that are really not the so-called traditional nuclear families, in so many instances you have one parent, singles mothers raising the family”.

The Archbishop – who has experience working on the Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal also says the annulment process also needs greater attention: “You have so many instances of people in non-canonical marriage that really require a decree of nullity.  So the whole question of the procedure of the decree of nullity and how the process intimidates people – we need to look at that in terms of how we address the pastoral needs of marriage in our region”.

He concludes that this Synod is a reflection of Pope Francis’ character: “You ought not to overlook the character of Francis, his style of exercising the Petrine Ministry has really created a whole new level of interest and engagement in the life of the Church. He’s been blessed with a capacity to make people feel welcome, that goes a long, long way to explain the level of expectations we have been seeing”.

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